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Win a fabulous Party Barbecue kit from Bar-Be-Quick


10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Weekly Magazine - What's On TV - Celebs Now - Life Death Prizes - Woman's Own Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Weekly Magazine (2 winners)


Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

A Rushton, Stoke-on-Trent

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

What's On TV (4 winners)

S Nicolas, Sittingbourne

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

M Bowen, Swansea

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

S Lambourne, Burgess Hill

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

D Steward, Ipswich

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

Celebs Now (2 winners)

A Eggington, ANDOVER

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

G Pitt, Northwood

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

C Roberts, Glasgow

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)

Y Tsang, London

Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories

Bar-Be-Quick, creators of the original instant barbecue wants everyone to have a safe and enjoyable summer - and for many of us, getting together with friends and family for a barbecue outdoors is a big part of that.

Bar-Be-Quick has launched the Cool It Quick campaign to make sure everyone knows how to use an instant or portable barbecue safely, and how to responsibly recycle an instant barbecue once it's finished with.

Check out our top tips on how to barbecue safely and enter to win a fantastic, fully recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue kit, including all the accessories you need for the perfect outdoor cooking experience!

Top tips from Cool It Quick for enjoying safe outdoor cooking this summer:

1. Make sure to place the barbecue at least 2 metres from dry grass and away from anything that could easily catch fire - remember, a rogue wind can fan flames in unexpected directions.

2. Do not place a barbecue directly onto a surface for cooking, it needs a suitable air gap underneath using bricks or a stand. Make sure these are placed onto a firm, non-flammable, heat-resistant surface.

3. Never leave a barbecue unattended and keep a bucket of water close at hand for emergencies and to put it out when you’ve finished.

4. When you’ve finished cooking, douse your barbecue completely in water to Cool It Quick, and follow the instruction on packs for the most sustainable way to dispose of it.

5. In the unfortunate event of a fire getting out of control, call 999 immediately.

Be sure to scan the QR code on all of our packs for more safety advice and handy tips to get the best out of your barbecue!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/08/2023.


Bar-Be-Quick's "The Original" Fully Recyclable, Instant Party Barbecue Pack with Accessories x10