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Win a "Watch At Home" package with CBS Reality

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Competition Winners

D Bytheway, Hereford

Win a "Watch At Home" package with CBS Reality’s “Donal MacIntyre's Killer Evidence”

A brand new Donal MacIntyre-fronted true crime original series, “Donal MacIntyre’s Killer Evidence” premieres at 10pm on Monday, 1st May, on CBS Reality. To mark the release of the show, we’re giving one lucky reader the chance to win an exciting “Watch At Home” Package which includes a flat-screen TV, soundbar, CBS Reality dressing gown, CBS Reality mug and a luxury tea, coffee and hot chocolate set to watch “Donal MacIntyre’s Killer Evidence” in the comfort of their home.

Each story is told first hand by the people who were there as the investigation unfolded, from the senior investigating police officers who were first on the crime scene, to the forensic experts whose scientific knowledge helped secure conviction.

“Donal MacIntyre’s Killer Evidence” also features expert commentators including leading forensic scientists Tracy Alexander, Director of Forensic Services for the City of London Police, senior forensic scientist Jo Millington, forensic psychiatrist Dr Sohom Das, digital forensic expert Andrew Sheldon, and pathologist Brett Lockyer, who guide the viewer every step of the way, examining the key pieces of evidence and how they helped catch the murderer. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 26/05/2023.


Win a "Watch At Home" package with CBS Reality’s “Donal MacIntyre's Killer Evidence” x1