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Win the ultimate Cobra bundle

MX3440V Cordless Lawnmower

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Weekly Magazine - Woman Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)

L Dowse, Preston

QS2500 Quiet Drum Shredder

Woman Magazine (1 winner)

K Karuna-Nidhi, Ipswich

MX3440V Cordless Lawnmower

With 40V of cutting power, the award-winning MX3440V cordless lawnmower offers the ultimate in lawncare. With 5 adjustable cutting heights, ranging from 25mm to 75mm, you can tackle longer grass and achieve a superb low finish, so grass can stay picture perfect, not matter the season. The MX3440V also has the added benefit of folding handles, taking the stress out of transportation and storage with restricted space.

The QS2500 quiet drum shredder is also up for grabs and is powered by a 2500W motor, providing the power to effortlessly shred garden waste of up to 40mm in diameter. It comes equipped with a practical plunger, allowing you to shred heavier loads, helping you clear green spaces and keeping them neat and tidy. The ergonomically positioned controls make operator use more comfortable, too, so garden clear ups are a breeze!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/09/2022.


MX3440V Cordless Lawnmower x1
QS2500 Quiet Drum Shredder x1