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Win a Gel Blaster SURGE

Gel Blaster SURGE

8 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Weekly Magazine - Woman's Own Magazine - What's On TV - Life Death Prizes -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Weekly Magazine (2 winners)


Gel Blaster SURGE


Gel Blaster SURGE

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)

A Jolly, Skipton

Gel Blaster SURGE

What's On TV (2 winners)

A Cross, Derby

Gel Blaster SURGE

D Coy, Wallsend

Gel Blaster SURGE

Life Death Prizes (3 winners)

D Simms, Exmouth

Gel Blaster SURGE

J Humphreys, WINDSOR

Gel Blaster SURGE

M Nickson, PRESTON

Gel Blaster SURGE

GEL BLASTER: THE FASTEST GROWING TOY COMPANY, that promises to get your kids off screen with video game-like action in your back garden! 

Gel Blaster takes you to the next level in awesome outdoor fun with the exciting new Gel Blaster SURGE.  Adrenalin filled, competitive play doesn’t need to be messy!  The Gel Blaster SURGE is a fun filled blaster with barely any mess or clean up.

Unbox your Gel Blaster and get blasting! The rechargeable Gel Blaster SURGE shoots water based beads or “Gellets” that burst on impact. This innovative blaster is ready to blast straight out of the box – fully charged with a hopper full of hydrated Gellets.

Think airsoft but with no pain, stain or clean up, bring the battle to the garden, park or anywhere else you can think of.

Gel Blasters water based Gellets are eco-friendly, non-toxic, non-irritating and burst on contact.   All you need to do is soak them in water for 2+ hours and watch your ammo grow!

·       SEMI TO FULL AUTO ACTION: Features 2 “Blast Modes” for enhanced combat strategy. Choose between semi automatic (1 Gellet per trigger pull) or Full Automatic (8 Gellets per second when holding down the trigger) and get ready to dominate your battlefield. 

·       ADJUSTABLE VELOCITY: You’re in control of the power! Two barrels are included to adjust your velocity (White: Maximum, Orange, Minimum). If you’re battling a newbie and want less sting, you can drop the velocity to as low as 90 Feet Per Second with the Orange barrel. For more intensity, you can increase your velocity up to 170 feet per second and shoot over 100 Feet using the White barrel (pre-installed)! 

·       BATTLE READY KIT: This kit contains everything you need for your first epic battle! 1 fully charged Surge blaster, 1 fast charging cable which supports up to 4 hours of play, a pre-loaded gravity fed hopper that holds up to 800 Gellets, x2 barrels for adjustable velocity, 1 pair of safety glasses, and 1 pack of 10,000 Gellets.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 09/06/2023.


Gel Blaster SURGE x8