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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win a SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker!

SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Weekly Magazine - Woman's Own Magazine - What's On TV -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Weekly Magazine (2 winners)


SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

C Parsons, Chelmsford

SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)

N Barrack, Aberdeen

SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

What's On TV (2 winners)


SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

S Evans-Pritchard, Lampeter

SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack

With Christmas around the corner, what better way to make it sparkling than with your own SodaStream Spirit machine? A SodaStream turns plain old tap water into sparkling water in seconds, just like that! 

If you’re looking to do your bit for the planet whilst hosting friends and family, the SodaStream Spirit Machine is the perfect way to make a sustainable swap this Christmas. It enables you to make sparkling water at the touch of a button rather than buying countless plastic bottles. Plus, the choices of fizz-tive cocktails and delicious soft drinks that you can make at home are endless, so you can wow your loved ones this festive season and make it a Christmas that’s remembered for years to come. 

And if you already have your own SodaStream, that doesn’t mean you can’t enter the giveaway. Why not enter and gift it to a loved one, whether that’s to your eco-conscious mum or your health and fitness-focused brother. The SodaStream Spirit machine is the perfect gift for all! 

Plus, one SodaStream machine saves thousands of single-use plastic bottles from the planet, making it the gift that keeps on giving! And one gas cylinder can make up to 60 litres of bubbly beverages, making it so easy to be eco-friendly. Staying hydrated is refreshingly simple with SodaStream. 

Let is Snow-da Stream!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/01/2022.


SodaStream Spirit Starter Pack x5